Within and against performativity (doctoral thesis, 1999)
In which I explored the impact of managerialism and the competency movement on pedagogies of adult literacy and basic education using discourse analysis to map the politics of policy reform.
- Abstract here
- In full here
- An adventure in ‘postmodern’ action research (in Garrick and Rhodes 2000 “Research and knowledge at work: Perspectives, case-studies and innovative strategies” (Routledge: London). Based on my doctoral thesis.
- Discourses of pedagogy and performativity: teachers engaging with competency-based assessment (Pedagogy and Learning Conference, Toowomba, September 2003). This paper provides a good overview of my main pre-occupations during my academic period. It draws on both my MEd thesis (refer below) and my doctoral thesis (above).
Participatory action research at the Migrant Women’s Learning Centre 1991-92
Working together to interrogate the place of slippery terms like ‘personal development’ and ’empowerment’ in pedagogy.
Pedagogies on the edge: Researching complex practice in youth and adult community education (Nov 2005)
Jill Sanguinetti, Peter Waterhouse, David Maunders. Studies in Continuing Education (DOI – 10.1080/01580370500394252)
This research arose from our involvements in adults and community education, adult literacy, youth issues, and in researching the new movement in Australia for the inclusion of ‘generic skills’ in education and training curriculum. We recruited twenty-two practitioners in Adult and Community Education (ACE) in a participatory action research approach to assist us in exploring how ‘generic skills and attributes’ are fostered in the context of adult and community education and to theorise pedagogies of ACE in the light of the changed demographic of those who access ACE programs (especially disaffected young people and older unemployed men). A ‘Framework for ACE Pedagogy’ was one outcome of the research. In this paper we describe the five ‘elements’ which we found to constitute ‘The Teacher’ in ACE. The elements include: personal engagement with learners; self-reflection on one’s teaching and one’s own learning journey; improvisation and risk-taking; awareness of relations of power; and having patience and trust in the learning process.
Coming to grips with ANTA’s lifelong learning strategy
Jill Sanguinetti, Adult Learning Commentary, Number 13, 7 June 2000
“What is needed is the political will and the resources to go further: to build (and promote) an integrated and innovative system that offers unending opportunities for learning and re-skilling accessible at every stage of life.”